And oh, is it ever nice! The snow is melting, the robins are back and as colourful as ever, and the plus weather! Oh, how I missed thee!
You can be sure that we've been taking advantage of the nice weather to go for family walks - Me, Mike, Lily and Kira have gone out each day this weekend. Once, to get a delicious caramel Caretto from Second Cup, and once just to get out in the neighbourhood. Lily loved it, too. She seems to love looking at the scenery, snacking on Cheerios, and being her usual cute self.
I am definitely not a Winter person, so I have been waiting for Spring since Fall ended. In the Winter, I pretty much stay inside almost all the time. If I'm not at home, I'm at work. If I'm not at work, I'm in my car. If I'm not in my car, I'm in some other building! Yes, I do get out and do other things, too, but I just don't like the cold. I'm hoping with Spring here, it will be incentive to get out every day (except the rainy days) and go for walks, or to the park. Maybe finally get back to my pre-pregnancy weight! :P
Now, if only Lily would learn to walk! She did take some steps yesterday, but she's not close to walking yet. I'm looking forward to the toddling days!